Google GRG Adventure Kayaking, Rafting, Kayaking and Canyoning Adventures in Nepal: When is the best time to visit Nepal?

Monday 4 February 2013

When is the best time to visit Nepal?

Gentle flows in the Spring, perfect for learning
Generally there are two 'best' times of year to visit Nepal. Peak season is from late September until early December. During this time the skies are clear giving the best views of the mountains, the monsoon rains and humidity are gone and the weather is warm.

The other peak season in Nepal is from the end of February until beginning of June. Although a little cooler after the winter, you are still promised clear mountain views and the Rhododendrons start to flower, wildlife sightings are more common as the long grasses would have been harvested.

However, even in the off seasons, there is always plenty to see and do, in fact you may prefer it as there won't be the crowds.

In terms of rafting and kayaking Sept - Dec offer the best whitewater for all levels, experts and beginners alike. If you love a bit of adrenaline jump on a Sun Kosi trip mid September to see how wild the Himalayan rivers really are. Things start to get a little low around December, but its a good time to do some expedition paddling on the Humla or Thule Bheri

October - post monsoon blast!
 For beginners, the start of the spring season is best to learn as the water is getting warmer, but still quite low before the monsoon. Taking a kayak clinic on the Trisuli river will be your best option to learn about whitewater kayaking. During this time, if you are looking for adventure, the Bhote Kosi still gives a good thrill!

And during the monsoon can be wicked fun for rafters wanting BIG water fun, or kayakers out to stretch their abilities! There are rivers to be run all year round - we just change the rivers we visit!

If your unsure of when to visit - send us an email and we'll let you know which trips will be suitable for you.

December - things get a little lower, but still GREAT fun!

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