Google GRG Adventure Kayaking, Rafting, Kayaking and Canyoning Adventures in Nepal: May 2013

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence 2013

We are very proud to announce that GRG just won a 'Certificate of Excellence from #TripAdvisor for the 2nd year in a row!!

We would like to say a MASSIVE thank you to all our amazing customers who took the time to write reviews for us, and also to our incredible staff who work around the clock to make +GRG's Adventure Kayaking  the company we are so proud of.

You can view our trip advisor reviews by clicking this link. And please don't forget, if you've recently been on a trip with us then we'd love to hear your honest opinions.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Article on Maila Gurung - The Paddler, May 2013 is one of the UK largest and fastest growing magazines in the world of paddling. This month features and 8 page spread on our very own Maila Gurung with some great pictures!

Click on the picture below to see what the man behind GRG's is really like!

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